Recent Issue May 2024
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Fixed, Single, and Dual Axis Solar PV System Comparison with Dust EffectAouda ArfoaDepartment of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics, Tafila Technical University, Jordan PDF |
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Emergency Fire Response System using Embedded System in Internet of Things (IoT)PARTHA PRATIM PAULLecturer, Dept. of ECE, Presidency University, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh PDF |
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Strategy for Testing Healthcare Applications on Blockchain TechnologyRAKSHITH AMARNATHStudent, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, U.S.A PDF |
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Optimized Solar Energy Systems for a non-Outages GridMAHMOUD ELWANYProfessor of Electrical Machines, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (Girls), Al-Azhar University, Egypt PDF |
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Protection of HVDC Transmission Systems for Short CircuitDR.M.BROWNFaculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, York University, Toronto, Canada |
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Coal Mine Safety Alerting and Health Monitoring SystemV.Vinith, V.Vishva, R.Balaji, N.Prakash, Er.K.UdhayakumarUG Final Year Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology (Affiliated to Anna University) Cuddalore, India. Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Engineering, Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology (Affiliated to Anna University) Cuddalore, India. PDF |
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IoT Based Electronic Device Microclimate Monitoring: A Case Study of Temperature and Humidity Analysis at a Specific LocationAmber Khare, Deepak Soni, Gulshan Kumar Sahu, Khushpal Singh, Raj Vishwakarma, Dr. Shruti TiwariB. Tech Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, SSTC, Bhilai, India. Sr. Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, SSTC, Bhilai, India PDF |
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Wireless EV Charging Pathway Based on Electromagnetic EnergyP.Thenmozhi, A.Bhuvaneswari, S.Karthickeyan, S.Pavithra, P.K.Selvarani, P.VasanthaduraiUG Students, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology, Karur, Tamil Nadu, India. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical And Electronics Engineering, Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology, Karur, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Boost Converter Utilizing Renewable EnergyMasan Senthilkumar, S.Ragul, Priyadharshini, Kowsalya, Lakshmanan, MohanrajProfessor, Department of Electric and Electronics Engineering, Chettinad college of Engineering & Technology, Karur, TamilNadu, India. Assistant Professor, Department of Electric and Electronics Engineering, Chettinad college of Engineering & Technology, Karur, TamilNadu, India U.G. Students, Department of Electric and Electronics Engineering, Chettinad college of Engineering & Technology, Karur, TamilNadu, India PDF |
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Smart E-Waste Management SystemM. Vasanthprakash, P.Pandi, R. Nikithalakshmi, J. Mathan, P. Rohith, P.ThenmozhiUG Students, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur, TamilNadu, India Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur, TamilNadu, India PDF |
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Automated Controller of Street Light Management SystemA.Bhuvaneswari, D.Pushpalatha, S.Dharmaseelan, B.Suriya , V.Deenadhayalan, M.PothumponnuUG Students, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur, TamilNadu, India Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur, TamilNadu, India PDF |
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Real-Time Accident Detection and Notification System for Enhanced Emergency Response and Traffic ManagementHari Prakash R, Vinoth.M, Seetharaman R, Balaji VDepartment of Instrumentation & Control Engineering, Saranathan College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Smart Band for Women Safety with Integrated Panic Button Camera, GPSAjay L, Gowtham G, Madappa K P, Rakshath, Dr. Manjula A VUG Students, Department of ECE, NIEIT, Mysuru, Karnataka, India Associate Professor & Head, Department of ECE, NIEIT, Mysuru, Karnataka, India PDF |
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IoT-Based Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles: A SurveyDarshan H Y, Madhu H K, Karthik S V, Sambram A B, Mr. Raghavendra MUG Students, Department of ECE, NIE Institute of Technology, Mysore, Karnataka, India Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, NIE Institute of Technology, Mysore, Karnataka, India PDF |
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Automobile Blackbox System for Accident AnalysisHarshitha C, Sahana S, Shravana K, Dr Manjula A VUG Students, Department of ECE, NIEIT, Mysuru, Karnataka, India Associate Professor, Department of ECE, NIEIT, Mysuru, Karnataka, India PDF |
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Electricity Generation by Waste MaterialMahima Sahu, Reetika SahuB.Tech Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, SSTC, Bhilai, India PDF |
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Remote Based Water Pipeline Inspection RobotJ. Aravindhan, R. Manikandan, N. Raguraman, R. Rajesh, Er. N. PurusothamanUG Final Year Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology (Affiliated to Anna University), Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, India Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology (Affiliated to Anna University), Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Close Loop Control of Novel Transformer less Inverter Topology for Single Phase Grid ConverterHarshal Dharpal, Kiran M. Kimmatkar, Manjeet SakhareStudents, Department of Electrical Engineering Vidarbha Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India Assistant Professor Department of Electrical Engineering Vidarbha Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India Assistant Professor Department of Electrical Engineering Vidarbha Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India PDF |
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Intelligent Safety Monitoring System for Oil and Gas Industry Using Myrio and LabVIEWBarani Daran R, Vishal Raj IP, Prithiv Raj A, Sri Iswarya SS, Gopikrishnan AUG Student, Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Saranathan college of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India UG Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Saranathan college of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India Assistant Professor, Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Saranathan college of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Resonance Frequency and Vibration Analysis of Cantilever BeamKavin G, Vignesh S, M.Shanmugavalli, Subhasan RDepartment of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Saranathan College of Engineering, Trichy, India PDF |
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Interior Turbo PFC Analysis & Execution with Big Capacity NeedsM. Gokula Priya, Dr.S. Vijaya Shankar, Dr.K. Krishnamoorthi, Dr.S. Arun Kumar, Dr.R. Satheesh KumarPG Scholar, Power System Engineering, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India Associate Professor, Department of EEE, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Optimizing Frequency Stability in Micro Grid-Connected Hybrid Power Systems Using a Novel PSO-GWO Hybrid ApproachRashi ShargaPG Student, Department of Electrical Engineering (Power Electronic), SGSITS, M.P, Indore, India PDF |
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Automatic Fire Fighter RobotDr.J.Chandramohan, Aman Kumar, Sarfraj Alam, Md. FaisalHead of the Department, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics and Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Malware Detection in Downloaded Files Using Various Machine Learning ApproachesR. Maheswari, T. Prathiba, J. Kavitha, M. EswariAssistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Selaiyur, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Solar PV with Storage Battery & Stand-Alone Load with Mobile MonitoringProf. H.L.Jadhav, Prof.S.G.Tathe, Arjun Thombre, Manisha GaikwadAssistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, ICEEM Engineering College, Waluj, Chh.Sambhajinagar, India B. E Student, Dept. of EEE, ICEEM Engineering College, Waluj, Chh.Sambhajinagar, India PDF |
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Internet of Things based Smart Military Jacket for SoldiersAbhishek A S, Harshith M, Jitendra S, Pratheek V G, Vijay Kumar KU.G. Student, Department of EEE, SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India PDF |
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Automated Time-Based Parking Payment SystemT.Ravi, Karuppasamy.S, Saran.G, Sattanathan. E, Siva Prathap .SAssistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India UG Scholar, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India PDF |
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Automated Vehicle Accident Detection & Data Analysis Using Rasperry PIR. Jeba Raj, N. Krishna Kumar, S. Muppidathi, R. Abhishek Krishnan, A. Mohamed SikkanderAssistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Cheranmahadevi, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India UG Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Cheranmahadevi, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Automatic Car Washing System Using PLCDr.Bastin Solai Nazran, Manikandan.G, Muthu Sembulingam.A, Sethu Ganesh.A.J, Vaikundaraman.A, Mohammed Alusuma.S.JAssociate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India UG Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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E-Vehicle Wireless Charging Using Solar PanelDr. Ann Rufus A, K.Gokul Karthick, M. Esakki Muthu, C.Charles, S.RajaAssociate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India UG Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Health Care monitoring system using IoTAngeline Jemina. J.Y, Rajesh. K, Mohideen Ibrahim. A, Susvin.S, Abdulatheef. AAssistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India UG Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Product Sorting Machine by Using PLCFerminus Raj.A, Mari Santhosh.A, Muthu Kumar.K, Peria Ganaga Sabapathi R, Raja.PAssistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India UG Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Smart TrolleyA.Ferminus Raj, Gnanaraj Moses J Victor, S. Kather Meeran, S.A.Mubarak Pitchai Mydeen., T.M.MydeenAssistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India UG Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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RFID Based Wireless Charging System for Electric CarDevendran N, Neveen R, Parudeep G, Polam Naveen Sagar, M.ArjunkumarStudents, Department of EEE, T.J.S. Engineering College, Chennai, India Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, T.J.S. Engineering College, Chennai, India PDF |
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Automatic Power Factor Control Panel AnalysisProfessor H.L. Jadhav, Professor S. G. Tathe, Digvijay Achyut Mathkari, Vaishali Bhausaheb Tambe, Adesh Manohar BhawarVice Principal, ICEEM Engineering College, Waluj, CHH. Sambhajinagar, India Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, ICEEM Engineering College, Waluj, CHH. Sambhajinagar, India BE Student, Department of EEE, ICEEM Engineering College, Waluj, CHH. Sambhajinagar, India PDF |
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Power Quality Control for A Grid Integrated PV SystemVijay Kumar K, Amith N, Bhargava AY, Dharshan RM, Hitesh SDepartment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, S J B Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India PDF |
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Design and Development of Peltier Based Solar Energy Powered Smart Refrigerator UnitDivyashree P, Sindhu K M, R Shilpa Jeevan N, Mrs. Tarakeshwari VDepartment of Electrical Engineering, S J B Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India PDF |
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Smart Air Quality and Temperature Monitoring Based on IOTA. Venkatesh, Pushparani, G Yogesh Kumar, M Balaji, AnbarasuAssistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics and Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Interior Turbo PFC Analysis & Execution with Big Capacity NeedsM. Gokula Priya, Dr. S. Vijaya Shankar, Dr.K. Krishnamoorthi, Dr.S. Arun Kumar, Dr. R. Satheesh KumarPG Scholar, Power System Engineering, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India Associate Professor, Department of EEE, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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IoT Based Battery Monitoring System for Electric VehicleN. Asifa Jasmine, T. Devi Sri, R. Divya Sudha, R. Kiruthika, S. SaravananUG Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Real Time Monitoring and Control Water Level Using Internet of ThingsC.Gurubalan, R.Jayakumar, S.Loganathan, N.Suthanthira Vanitha, S. SaravananUG Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Vortex Bladeless Wind MillS. Abhinav, Azhagumani, B. Balamurugan, R. Prakash, S. SaravananUG Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Generating Electricity by Using Piezoelectric in ShoesR. Ajthkumar, T. Desinghraja, S. Gowtham, T. Dharma Raj, S. SaravananUG Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Agriculture Robots Based Plant Distance Detection for Pesticides Spray MechanismS. Anilkumar, V. Jeeva, S. Harikrishnan, N. Mohananthini, S. SaravananUG Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Portable Electric Vehicle by Using Mid Drive BLDC Motor with Intelligent ControllerM. Jeevithan, G. Gajendiran, M. Jeevanantha, R. Raja, S. SaravananUG Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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IoT Enhanced Real Time Monitoring and Optimization for Wind Power GenerationG. Gokulraj, V. Karthick, M. Kavin, K. Umadevi, S. SaravananUG Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Artificial Intelligence Based Safety System for PoultryP. Chandru, P. Logesh, M. Logeshwaran, G. Dineshkumar, S. SaravananUG Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Attribute Based Privacy Preserving Task Assignment and Incentive Mechanism for CrowdsensingR. Harish, G. Gopikrishnan, S. Abishek, S. Saranraj, S. SaravananUG Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Design and Implementation of IoT Based Fast Charging and Battery Management SystemM. Anandhakumar, P. Alwinvinoj, T. Dhinesh, A. Saranya, S. SaravananUG Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Centralized Monitoring System for Street Light Fault Detection and Location TrackingJ. Dinesh Kumar, T. Jagatheesh, K. Kalaiyarasan, P. Manikandan, S. SaravananUG Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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A Five-Level Quasi Z-Source Based NPC Inverter for PV ApplicationsL. Bhuvan, M. Kishore, C. Dhesinguraja, R. Hariharan, R. Sundar, S. SaravananUG Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Multipurpose Agriculture E-Vehicle Using Robotics and AutomationM. Boobesh, G. Gokul, BM. Gowtham, R. Sagayaraj, S. SaravananUG Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Power Optimized Dynamic Comparator for SAR Analog to Digital ConverterDr. P. Rama Krishna, M. SwathiAssistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, Anurag University, Hyderabad, India PDF |
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IR Based Traffic Density Detection and Signal ControllerNimit Matiyara, Navneet Lambadi, V.Pawan Sai Reddy, Harshvardhan Kumar Dr.Shimpy Ralhan (Hod)Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus Junwani, Bhilai, India PDF |
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Soil Classification Using Convolutional Neural NetworkThilagavathi.K, Tarunika.M, Sanjana.V, Sivani.S.GU.G. Students, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics, and Communication Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Mitigation of Short Duration Power Quality Issues in Power System by Using STATCOMShreyali Fasale, Dhanashree Jagtap, Utkarsh Kavathekar, Pratiksha Gaikwad, R. B. MadakeDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering & Technology, Ashta, India Guide, Department of Electrical Engineering, Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering & Technology, Ashta, India PDF |
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Flash Flood Intimation over GSMAnil H. Parate, Bramhadas M. Sauskar, Prashant B. Dhanvijay, Mrunal S. Charde, Prof. Roshan Gaidhane, Prof. Prachi ChintawarU.G. Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, Vidarbha Institute of Technology, Nagpur, Mahrashtra, India Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Vidarbha Institute of Technology, Nagpur, Mahrashtra, India PDF |
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A New Methods for Secure and Low Latency Transmission in Industrial WSNC. JayaPriya, C RajaNandhiniPG Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Vallam, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Vallam, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India PDF |
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Smart Refrigirator for Commercial PurposeDr. MJ Chandrashekar, Akhilesh D, Jyotiraditya G, Yathin K, Nishanth VHead of Department, Department of EEE, SJB Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India U.G. Student, Department of EEE, SJB Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India PDF |
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Charging Station for Two-Wheeler Electric VehiclesMeghana M, Supriya S, Bhavana R P, Hafsa Sadaf, Mr. Prakyath DDepartment of Electrical Engineering S J B Institute of Technology Bengaluru, India PDF |
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Flex Sensor Based Biofeedback Monitoring for Post- Stroke Fingers Myopathy PatientsPranali Sunil Bhadale, Kumar Vijay Nagawade, Utkarsha Rahul Shinde, Dr.Prof. Bhausaheb Eknath ShindeU.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Kharadi, Pune, India Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Kharadi, Pune, India PDF |
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Hydroponic Plant Monitoring SystemShivanjali Sanjay Rakhunde, Vivek Dnyandev Thombre, Vanshita Ramdas Tupe, Dr.Prof. Bhausaheb Eknath ShindeU.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Kharadi, Pune, India Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Kharadi, Pune, India PDF |
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Multipurpose Water Surface Cleaning BoatAdil H. Shaikh, Nikita A. Narkar, Vaibhavi S. Sawant, Adeeb H. Shaikh, Prof. Neha MaratheU.G. Students, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology Engineering College, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology Engineering College, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India PDF |
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Generation of Power by Using Hydrogen Collected Through Human UrineRupak V. Lonare,, Amit Dodke, Akansha Tembhekar, Nikita Madavi, Shraddha Shendre, Nikhil Bawane, Sujal TambeAssistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagpur Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India Students, Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagpur Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India PDF |
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Speed Control of BLDCM using Meta-Heuristic Algorithm PSO Tuned PI ControllerDr. S. RajaDepartment of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Sri Chandrasekhendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidylaya Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |
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Deformation Assessment through Speckle Interferometry with Fringe Analysis MethodR.Balamurugan, S.P.Ragul Ganesh, D.Surya, M.Dhivya Malar, S.Sandhya, R.ApsaraProfessor, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India UG Scholar, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India PDF |